Morgan tried on clothes in a dressing room- by himself. No real prompting needed. I'm not sure if this is an age thing or what, but he picked out the clothes independently, he tried them on, and he was patient as we went through the process.
Without a mom interfering or making plans for them, Morgan and Bailey were invited over and went to a friend's home. This friend, an excellent NT boy around Morgan's age had them over to watch a movie one day after the pool. His older sister was there to supervise. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself for that hour and a half of quiet time. They live right underneath us, so I mopped my floors, kept very quiet and tried to keep an ear out for... well, anything. Guys, nothing happened. It was uneventful. They had a good time and the boy's older sister said that all three kids were very well behaved. Iknowright?
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Happy taste buds. |
Morgan tried (and liked!) a new food! His daddy brought home about 10lbs of fresh Gulf shrimp. Oh, they were so good. Anyways, Morgan hates shrimp. Or, he did. We boiled up about four pounds the first night and that kid ate what I gave him... and had seconds! Then, last night, I made another shrimp meal (see picture, please). He ate shrimp again.
This child hasn't had shrimp since he was about a year and a half old, at my mom's wedding. This might not sound like a huge deal, but we live in a coastal area. The other three members of this family love shrimp. This is huge.
Bailey is now swimming underwater, no floaties, in the shallow end! I'm so proud of him. He's "deep end shy," so he will get out of the pool and request his floaties if he wants to swim with his brother, but this is great progress.
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I'm so proud of him! |
Morgan, completely unprompted, and without us showing him hand over hand, began trimming his nails and toenails. The child who, up until two years ago, needed gummies or some form of bribery and up until three months ago complained and sometimes cried no matter how careful I was, has decided to take this rather big step in self grooming. I was floored when I looked up the other morning and saw this:
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My kid... cutting his toenails. WOW. |
This is the first summer I've ever been able to relax a bit when out with my children. I don't fear the unknowns so much. I'm allowing their wants to guide me. Sound a bit crunchy-granola to you, too? I'm a complete helicopter mom, this won't lessen any. However, this is the first summer I've sat back and allowed the kids to be in the pool and not been hovering right on top of them at all times. This isn't to say that I walk off and leave the kids alone. I just mean that I'm not micromanaging their every move. It's kind of nice. Granted, I'm saying "no" to Bailey just as much, but here's hoping that this will lessen as well.
And, for the most important "first" of the summer:
Morgan's reading. As in, he's reading and not stumbling about 90% of the time. The reading program he's only been in since May 30 seems to be working! He's comprehending (it appears) what he's reading. He's wanting to read. A year ago, I didn't know if I would ever write that sentence or hear myself say that out loud. He actually took a book inside of the bathroom to read the other day (I know, TMI, but we're joking he's now a "man"... also, I'm never touching that book again). He's wanting to read to his little brother during story time before bed.
Some of these are things might sound completely silly to report on, but they're important to us. We're all about the celebrations in the Deciphering house!
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